Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So I talked to Dad today and he says he's all done taking tests. He thinks they will be taking off tomorrow at 1 or so to start on the road training, for which he gets paid $350/week. Once the trainer thinks he's ready, he gets signed off on, and goes to $0.29/mile. At 10 hours a day, 63 mph, that equals 630 miles per day, which adds up to 4,410 miles per week. That adds up to $1,278.90 per week minus taxes. (Today's post brought to you by the letter F, and by the number 1,278.9). That's not too shabby. I got 63 mph from the fact that their trucks are governed at 63 mph. For the uneducated, that means they can't go any faster than that. I was riding with a guy when he discovered that his Camaro is governed at 120mph. That was pretty fun.

Today was damned boring. I got to do a lot of thinking, and ended up calling myself a biscuit whisperer. You can see how productive my imagination is when I'm making up stuff to do. I don't fix people's problems with biscuits, I fix biscuits' problems with people. Picture me telling dark secrets to a bag of frozen biscuits. I don't know why you would picture that though. Prepare to receive my bad medicine.


Paranoid Whimper said...

I've never had frozen biscuits. It can't possibly be as enjoyable to prepare as the ones that come in a tin/cardboard can that goes POOF! when you open it. And you call yourself a biscuit whisperer, you must have stolen that line after reading my comment to Mike about his arse being a dog whisperer!

The Man With The Pillsbury Hands said...

Actually I did think of the term before and your comment reminded me of it. So I suppose you're right in a way. I also like the poofing of biscuits, but now that I stock them, I know that they go poof far too easily.