Friday, March 17, 2006

So, the bonus is a week away and the only thing on my mind is the Xbox 360. I'm not even sure what game I should get for it. I don't think there really are very many good games for it. Call of Duty 2 of course springs to mind, but whatever. I really like games like that but that game doesn't really blow my mind like I think a new game for a new system really should. The only real reason I want one is for Halo 3, whenever that comes out and whatever they decide to call it. I suppose I am the only person in the world who enjoyed the story from the second game, but I absolutely can't wait to find out what happens next. I think they need to put more than two Hunters against you at once. I think it would be awesome to get ambushed by four of them in tight quarters. I also am hoping for downloadable episodes that will cover things like the grunt rebellion and the taming of the Hunters. They could release a series of episodes that go from Arbiter to Arbiter and cover a lot of covenant history. I think I'd be willing to pay for that, say around $10/episode or so. Well, as long as the episodes contained at least two or three hours of gameplay I'd pay that much for them. Who am I kidding, I'd pay for them anyway, I would just consider it a ripoff for less than three hours.

Anyway, back to the bonus. We are getting $1300 minus taxes this next Thursday. Most people I talk to are paying off debts or fixing their vehicles. I plan on fixing my vehicle somewhat; it needs new tires, the heat is stuck on, and the fuel gauge doesn't work. I just don't want it to all go to obligations. That's fucking boring. I hardly ever get to buy something big, and this seems like the thing to get. I know, I know, you can always argue that if I stopped snacking at work, I would save upwards of $80+/month or so, and you would be right, but I don't see that happening in the near or distant future. Damnit, I'm hungry at first break and I don't want to wait until lunchtime to eat. So, the bonus gets me into the next generation of video gaming.

I am seriously considering a better job. By better I mean better paying. $8.05/hour for managerial responsibilities is fucking bullshit. No manager anywhere ever should ever make less than $10/hour. I don't give a shit who you are working for. If you're the guy in charge of people's pay rates, don't you dare consider payroll an expense. You consider it an investment or you are just the biggest fucking asshole and a representative of what's wrong with the corporate mindset. I manage an area responsible for $104,000/month in gross sales and you barely pay me $16,000/year. You are obviously one short sighted motherfucker. Let's not mention that I have had a consistent 10-20% increase in sales over last year. I guess I'm letting this get to my head. It's not like I can't just go drive a truck, where they will pay me $350 more in a two week pay period as starting pay than you will after almost two years of dedicated labor. I don't believe in not being dedicated to my job. If you pay me to work, I'm going to work my ass off for you. I will be there on time and only excessive vomiting will cause me to miss a day. I know I'm doing more than $8.05/hour's worth of work for you. I'm not the only one either. Others work their asses off just as hard if not harder, and the best you can do is a 55 cent/hour payraise once a fucking year. Please. (This has finished up as one angry post. I actually like my job, I just don't like my company so much).

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