Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Dad is in the other room watching Minority Report. Yes, it looks awesome on the HDTV. It's unbelievable the concern I have for my parents intake of morally questionable entertainment. Why do I care? I don't care what I watch, as long as it isn't a horror movie. I still feel I have to answer for my choice in movies. Am I fifteen again? Did I miss the memo on being fifteen for the purpose of interaction with my parents? Now that I've asked these questions, am I somehow required to assert my free will? Goddamnit do I ever need to grow up.

As fas as Minority Report goes, there isn't a whole lot of questionable content in it. The only content I question is how the fuck can he still use his eyes and not set off every alarm in the building? I guess in the future there isn't a way to flag someone like that. Oh wait, they found him on the train because the eye scanner picked him up, so why wouldn't it pick him up in the building? Whatever, it's a cheat. The movie is still interesting and well shot. Spielberg has become rather mainstream, but he's still really good. I really thought Catch Me If You Can had some excellent shots in it, and the introduction of the tripod in War of the Worlds was really cool as well. I also really liked the bridge twisting apart as they drove away. It's one of those action shots that stick out in my mind, like Indiana Jones being dragged behind the truck, the super star destroyer crashing into the death star, or the helicopter crash in the first Matrix movie. The latter was awesome by the way. As you can see with all the links, The Internet Movie Database is my friend.

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