Sunday, September 10, 2006

Since I talk so much about video games here, I am posting what I would like to see happen with Call of Duty 3. I am in favor of the current Halo health system, where if you get hurt, you just wait under cover for your "shields" to regenerate, although I am interested in what it could be like to have a medic come and heal your ass. I just worry about that in multiplayer. Obviously the job of medic is going to be like being the goalie in gym class, no one wants to do it and they put the retard in the goal. If they can make it fun to be a medic then it could work. Maybe in the single player game you could have the option to play through as a medic on certain levels. Imagine being a medic on Omaha beach. I think that would keep you busy.

I want them to give me the option as the host to turn off weapons if I feel the need. Turning off scopes in a big level makes it more interesting in some ways. Nothing against scopes but it would be nice to customize the experience. Also, I would probably turn off shotguns in all situations except for playing headquarters. Shotguns are goddamned annoying. It would be nice if you could edit these options in the middle of the match also. I'm sure there are assholes out there that would abuse this power, but that's what negative feedback is for.

Speaking of middle of the match, it would be awesome if you could kick an annoying bastard in the middle of the match. Also, when you kick someone it should give you a reason option, so if you are kicking them for no negative reason, let's say you want your friend in the room and this stranger is in the way, it's a no hard feelings kick. However if you kick them for trash talking or camping, they are banned from reentering the room for let's say, 20 minutes or something. Perhaps you could set the time for their absence, in 5 minute increments. There could be a forever option too, but this option would have to require you to leave feedback about them.

It would also be nice if they could fix the lag problem with throwing smoke. I see no reason for my machine to shit itself because I tossed smoke. I've noticed on many occasions that there's a shitload of smoke on your screen, but no smoke at all on the screen of the person who just shot you. Another graphical glitch is when you have the flag and your back is to the wall, people on the other side of the wall can see the flag poking through. I've died on more than one occasion because of this, and I see no reason why this can't be fixed.

Also, in multiplayer it would be cool if you could use a flak 88. I imagine the cries of bullshit, many of which will come from me, but it would still rock. I could see it being used in regular deathmatch as well as search and destroy. This should also be an option to turn off if you're the host. Turning off all fixed guns or selecting which fixed guns you want would be awesome. That could inspire a new multiplayer mode where the flak 88 Germans have to take out something while the Americans have to stop them. That idea needs revision obviously.

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