Sunday, September 03, 2006

It's been a long time here. I have a few things to report, such as buying a house, but first I must say I have just spent the last 10 hours playing Call of Duty 2 on xbox live. This is my cry for help.

So we bought a house on a corner, and our closing day is September 15th. This unfortunately means we're moving on the 20th. Moving is for suckers. The bright side is it should be the last move for a while, since we own the place and all. Famous last words, you say? Fuck you. I can stay in the same situation for fucking eons, especially if it sucks. Not that this is going to suck, and that may be my downfall.

I've seen a bunch of movies in the last two months. Miami Heat, Pirates of the Carribean 2, Lady in the Water, The Matador, Clerks 2, Talladega Nights, and Snakes On a Motherfucking Plane. I want these motherfucking snakes off this motherfucking plane. I hear Samuel L. Jackson agreed to do the movie on the strength of the title alone. Don't watch it expecting a good story, watch it expecting snakes on a motherfucking plane. If that's not enough, a chihuahua gets fed to an anaconda. It wasn't the same Anaconda that Ice Cube drove a pickaxe through as he called it a bitch. This Anaconda eats fucking chihuahuas. Yes I had to look that word up since I couldn't spell it.

Don't expect too much from Lady in the Water. It's just not nearly as good as Unbreakable. Miami Heat was absolutely awesome. In no way should you miss that movie. Pirates 2 was good, but not as good as the original. Bill Nighy is pretty good as Davy Jones. Clerks 2 is the funniest movie I've seen in years. It ranks up with The Ref for favorite comedy. Talladega Nights was funny enough, but I saw it the same day I saw Clerks 2 so it didn't make a good impression. The Matador is good. You get to see Pierce Brosnan try to kick a rat dog off his heel as he bangs this prostitute from behind. It's pretty fucked up.

That was your movie minute with me, the movie minute motherfucker. I SAID FUCK YEAH! Check out the hook while my dj revolves it.

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