Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I could say I didn't update yesterday as a way to have a moment of silence for 9/11, but I'm not nearly superficial enough nor important enough to pull that one off. If I ever do get so famous that people expect my blog every day, then I will definitely have a no post day with no explanation on 9/11. If you're going to do something for someone, you should be willing to keep your motivations hidden, as to make sure you aren't really doing it to make yourself feel better.

So, we're moving in one week from midnight and I haven't packed anything. I haven't even packed up age old cd's and empty cd cases. I still have the Halo books on the shelf. Certainly my life could go on without the Halo books. Why do I own Halo books? I was desperate to know more of that world. I thought, with proper writing those books could be awesome. The first book, called The Fall Of Reach, focused on the origins of Master Chief and his Spartan training. I am a sucker for basic training stories, which explains my enjoyment of Bloodsport, GI Jane, Full Metal Jacket, and other things I've seen or read that include basic training as a basic character development tool. The story was pretty good too, you really get a sense of how bleak it is for humanity in the books. The game just doesn't translate that all too well. You get the feeling that it doesn't matter what happens because you will personally kick the shit out of every alien bastard and single handedly save the human race.

Basic Training is best experienced as a montage. I don't recommend 8 weeks of bullshit to the average jackass. I know you Marines get 12 weeks, and your genitals have clearly reaped the rewards, but I didn't join the Marines. I joined the Army. I liked the Army until the end of my second year, then I started not really caring. Obviously that was the first clue that I should find somewhere else to be. You don't want some jackass who doesn't care sent over to places like Iraq. I wouldn't want him in my foxhole. I actually got to the point where I didn't want me in my foxhole. Enough about that. I haven't been in the army since 1999.

Today marked the first day you could buy the original Star Wars Trilogy on DVD. Not the doctored "look how much George Lucas hates himself and others" version, but the original version. The one that actually changed science fiction movies. I emailed a picture to myself, but Cingular isn't in the mood today I guess.

Today I didn't touch the Xbox. You might want to see if the planets stopped rotating or something. Not that we even have nine planets anymore. First we stop pronouncing Uranus correctly, then we told Pluto to go fuck itself. Now what is Mickey Mouse's dog named after? I don't know, some fucking rock somewhere. This means they lied to me about something else in school. They have a lot to answer for, whoever they are.

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