Monday, September 04, 2006

Guess what happened this morning. Steve Irwin died. A stingray with poisonous barbs stabbed him through the heart. That is some shit. Apparently he was making some kind of film about dangerous sea creatures and swam too close to a fucking stingray. He should have stuck with the crocodiles. I wonder if there was some kind of warning or something that said "Stay away from the stingray Steve!" I actually feel sort of bad here for a moment or two. I don't know why. How many creatures had their buttholes explored by his thumb? Although to me it doesn't mean he deserved to die. Fuck the animals, especially the edible ones and the ones that inflitrate my house uninvited. Fuck them on TV with your Thumb. You're reading the rantings of a man who has seen another man with his arm up a cow's ass to the shoulder. He was searching for something. He wasn't wearing gloves. Maybe he was on a lifelong search for his keys. Did I spell his name right? Shit I don't know.

Here's a news article.

Despite all that I still feel bad for his family. I guess I was raised right then.

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