Sunday, May 07, 2006

A lot of shit has happened since the last entry. Although in that span of time I haven't managed to clip my nails, which makes typing interesting at best. Hang on.

There. Let's see. We had inventory last week, which sucked so much ass I'm still feeling the hickeys. This next week I'm on nights because we have to reset the electronics modular, and the home office thinks we have 12 feet more space than we do because they can't get it through their supid fucking heads that we are only 99,000 square feet, not 140,000 or some such shit. They are busy sorting that out now. I suppose I should head in to work today to find out what to do about the fact that my department won't be worked for the next week. I have bad feelings about this. I just finished cleaning up after the inventory people who, of all things, managed to mess up most of my onhand counts. Most people wouldn't think that was a big deal, but the computer automatically orders stuff. If it doesn't know how much is on hand, it will either order way too much, or not order anything, neither of which is satisfactory. I don't have a big back room, and I hate being out of stock because people piss and moan, and I miss sales. I wonder if the moaning sounds like zombies. I should try moaning like that the next time I have to go.

The other thing that happened is we bought a new car. It is a 2004 Cavalier with a 4 cylinder engine, five speed transmission, and 19,300 miles on it. We got it for $8,500. By the time we pay all the payments, it will cost $13,000, so we are interested in making larger payments. The less we pay the better. Odd how paying more means paying less. Anyway, I was able to increase speed up a hill comparable to taking route 13 north out of Ithaca towards the Pyramid Mall from 50 to 75 mph, and in 5th gear at that. I was happy. The stereo sucks, but it has a cd player. It just farts instead of putting out bass. It works fine other than that. Dad is almost done with his training, which should mean we get to see him in a couple of weeks. After that he starts making the real money. Well, I've got like fifteen minutes to get ready, so I'm going to go.

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