Friday, March 23, 2007

I'm sitting here listening to Green Bay sing Long View, and I'm realizing that my life is kind of patterned off this song. I have got to get off my ass and get something done. The difference is that I'm not a chronic masturbating pothead. Thank God for that. I've got the History Channel and video games instead. I also watch Spike.

Today they had world's wildest police videos or something. I've noticed that rednecks always get pulled over drunk with no shirts on. How hard is it to put a shirt on? Is there some kind of redneck code where you aren't a real man if you wear some cotton woven pussy t-shirt? Is going shirtless symbolic of your naked stupidity? Are you saying that I'm just jealous because I'm too fat to not wear a shirt in public? Guess what jackass, most rednecks are too fat to not wear a shirt too. Beer and wife beating don't exactly give you a six pack. (I work strictly from stereotypes, especially with a tv inspired blog).

I guess there are situations where it's permissible to not wear a shirt. If you're working outside like on a construction site where you are doing serious manual labor then I could see why you'd want to. If you're loading or unloading hay, then I can see it too. Showers and swimming are also acceptable. Going to the grocery store? Not acceptable. Church? Not acceptable. Probably not acceptable at a job interview either. I guess that depends on the job. If you're auditioning for Chippendales then you kind of have to take the shirt off.

I'm succeeding in finding things to complain about that don't relate to Wal-Mart. Hell these things don't even relate to me.

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