Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Right now I'm home on lunch eating some Blue Bell Century Sundae. Apparently it's the 100th anniversary of Blue Bell, and they have released this limited edition stuff. It's homemade vanilla flavor mixed with chocolate and caramel swirls, and marachino cherries. It's not bad. I've had better flavors before, but this came in a black container with frickin candles on it. That's hardcore packaging there.

I don't normally eat ice cream on lunch except when I don't want to microwave something to eat. How lazy do you have to be to not want to microwave something? I'm not sure but I may have lost a pound last week, so I have to do something about that. I'm tired of sandwiches, there are no chicken tenders in the freezer and I'm not really that hungry anyway. The end result is I eat what's ready to eat, and in this case it's ice cream.

Yesterday I worked 1.52 hours over my regular shift because there were 2 pallets and a retarded amount of backstock that all went out on the shelf. I had to clear it out because there was a 900 something piece truck due that night and no evening associate to work it. Today I have three pallets to work, but they are pulling me to help get rid of the risers in electronics and automotive. Normally I wouldn't object to being removed from my cold ass work area, but today I'm actually enjoying working all this crap out onto the shelf. I don't know why exactly, but I actually want to do a good job this week. My morals must have started taking steroids.

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