Sunday, February 25, 2007

I'm not sure why I'm posting today, except that it's 8am and I am having a medicinal dose of coffee. I woke up this morning with a pounding caffeine headache, and only two cups of coffee will cure it. You can't dilute medicinal coffee with any of that "creamer" or "sweetener" nonsense. It's just not as effective.

Yesterday I played Gears of War in online coop mode for the first time. The first thing I noticed was how embarrassing it is when you die from the same crap over and over. Most of the time your teammate can revive you, but there are times when you can't reach him and if he dies or you die it's back to the last checkpoint. This includes back to the last in game cinema as well. At least I figured out how to skip them. So, last night we beat the game on hardcore. Now I will start it on insane, which may cost me a controller. I was already dying with great efficiency on hardcore, I imagine this will be worse by it's nature. It is much easier to play with another human than with computer teammates, which are morons.

Hang on I have to refill my coffee...

There. I usually drink my coffee with a glass of cold water handy. I use the water to settle the coffee stomach jitters. It works pretty well, considering that I usually drink morning coffee on an empty stomach. So today the endless Sunday debate begins. Do I go to church, or do I go to bed? I probably should go to church, but I'm tired. I'm tired because I had to go pick my Dad up from work at 11pm last night and had to turn around and wake up at 6:30 to take him back in to work. Last Thursday I had to go pick him up at 1:10am and then wake up at 6am so I could go to work, but wait, I had to take him back in to work first. Imagine working a 19 hour day followed by five hours of sleep and a twelve hour day. Now imagine the 19 hour day was worth $251 by itself. Are you torn? I'm torn. That beats the stuffing out of Wal-Mart's pay. I wouldn't want to be a new father with such a schedule though.

I'm not complaining about having to wake up and stay up. I figure that's part of being family. If I can't be there for my family, then I'm not much good. How many times have they had to lose sleep to come pick me up somewhere? I don't know exactly, but I'm sure it's more than once.

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