Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Since I'm looking for work outside of Wal-Mart, I wonder what it takes to be the guy that traces chalk around the bodies at crime scenes. Is there a specific job title for this or do you just lose a bet or draw a short straw? How do you trace a guy that had his head blown off? Do you approximate the head shape, hoping you don't get it wrong? Is there a bonus for getting it right? How do you deal with blood pools? Do they have some kind of blood penetrating chalk? Do you have to bring your own chalk? Maybe it's helpful to have experience making chalk drawings on sidewalks at art shows. I wonder if when you trace a dead guy who is missing an arm, do you draw an arrow from the arm socket to where the arm is and then trace the arm? Does it matter what color chalk you use? Can I bring a set of several colors and draw up a legend so you'll know what color was what body? Is that something I could put in my will, that I would prefer navy blue chalk to be used to trace my body in case of wrongful death requiring police investigation? I guess I could google this, but I'm not sure how to search for it. "Guy who traces bodies" might be a good start, but I don't want to trigger any patriot act software.

A guy told me one time that he convinced a girl at this bar that his military occupational specialty was in flight missile repairman.

Lastly, if the Bears win the superbowl, are they who we thought they were? Can we go ahead and crown their ass?

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