Thursday, February 23, 2006

I watched The Aviator the other day. I liked it a lot. I really think Scorsese needs to get like Speilberg and start cranking out movies. As good as these movies are that he makes, there should be more of them. I hope he can work with Michael Mann again soon. I know I sound like a real fanboy here, but there aren't many movies by either man that I dislike. Even if I don't like the story there is something technically excellent about every movie they make. Michael Mann is the master of character development, and Martin Scorsese knows how to take characters that are really despicable and show you their point of view. He makes them much more likable, or at least he makes them understandable.

That having been said, this movie will forever be remembered for "Show me all the blueprints. I'm serious now, show me all the blueprints." There is also "The way of the future," and that pullback shot that reveals the bottles of urine. It must have stunk in there. It's really worth it though to put up with the "this man is one crazy son of a bitch" sequence because the interview with the Senator is awesome. To cap it off with the way Alec Baldwin says fuck is just brilliant. I also love the idea of a business negotiation with a man in a business suit and calm demeanor on one side of a door and a naked man flipping out and pacing on the other side of the door. In the commentary someone said that that was how they pictured big business behind the curtain.

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