Friday, July 01, 2011

I was watching a video of people "exposing" oilfield pollution. The people making the videos have absolutely no idea what they are looking at or talking about. It's just amazing how ignorant they are. "Oh there's brown stuff on the tank must be the tank runs over all the time." No jackass, that's what happens when you run a tape down into the tank to gauge it and bring it back out. It drips a little. Did you notice the dike around the tank battery? Did you see that it's bone dry? Do you know that under that dirt is a thick waterproof liner? Do you actually know anything? Have you ever seen a tank battery run over? It makes one HELL of a mess. The whole tank is stained with crude oil not just one or two small lines of oil that dripped off a tape gauge. Also there tends to be stained dirt and pools of crude oil all over the place. Oil does not evaporate you see. Moron woman really needs to learn something about what she's talking about before she posts videos to You Tube expecting to be taken seriously.

Not to mention that she was trespassing, not wearing any personal protective equipment and was anyone in her entourage smoking? She had absolutely no business being there unless she owns the land. Tank Batteries are not playgrounds. She mentions the oil company that she thinks owns the lease, not realizing that a different company has bought the lease and now operates it.

I'm being deliberately vague with company names. I've done work for both companies on that very location she's standing on. The point isn't who owns what the point is this lady, like many people talking about this subject in the news, has no idea what she is looking at.

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